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Yeni Üyelik Parola Hatırlatma
Çocuklarda Hipertansiyon Evreleri
Grade of Hypertension Definition Appropriate Next Step

"White-coat" hypertension BP levels >95th percentile in a physician's office or clinic, but normotensive outside a clinical setting Readings may be obtained at home with appropriate family training or with the assistance of a school nurse or with the use of ambulatory BP monitoring.
Prehypertension Average SBP or DBP levels that are >= 90th percentile but <95th percentile; as with adults, adolescents who have BP levels >= 120/80 mm Hg should be considered prehypertensive Additional readings may be obtained at home with appropriate family training or with the assistance of a school nurse.
Stage I hypertension Average SBP or DBP that is >= 95th percentile A diagnostic evaluation in a nonurgent, phased approach may be organized.
Stage II hypertension Average SBP or DBP that is >5 mm Hg higher than the 95th percentile A diagnostic evaluation over a short period of time in conjunction with pharmacologic treatment may be organized.
Hypertensive urgency and emergency Average SBP or DBP that is >5 mm Hg higher than the 95th percentile, along with clinical signs or symptoms Patient hospitalized and treated to lower the BP.

Kaynak: Feld LG, Corey H. Hypertension in Childhood. Pediatrics in Review. 2007;28:283-298

Yayınlanma: 05/30/2009 | Görüntülenme: 12773
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